About me

My name’s MichaƂ, and I’m a self-described aspiring data witcher, wannabe Rustacean, Pythonista and TinyML afficionado.

Let me unpack all of that:

At the beginning of 2018 I decided to learn about that data science everyone was talking about, and that’s how I found out about Python.

I was curious about electronics, too, so I also started tinkering with MicroPython on Espressif and STM32 devices. Then I got a cheap STM32F0 board that simply couldn’t handle MicroPython, which is why I decided to try C, and sort of discovered Rust instead!

It seemed scattered all over the place for a while, but a pattern emerged at some point. Learning about data, machine learning, neural networks and microcontrollers led to my interest in machine learning on low power, resource-constrained embedded devices, also known as TinyML. This is what I’m mainly focused on at this point.

All of the above are constant learning/hobby projects which could, hopefully, lead to a career transition at some point.

I put this blog together to share some findings and ideas with others. You can also find my various repositories under the GitHub logo in the lower left corner. Enjoy!